Week in the Life Tuesday! Woot woot.
If you missed Monday click here.
I am using the same format each day. Here is a quick sketch of the basic layout.
First pages
First page is always a large 6x8 of me with a handdrawn day of the week, an embellishment (a star today), the day, the words for the day and Tuesday repeated over and over.
Words are a day are about 10 words that describe my day whether it be good or bad.
This 3x8 is always a recap by time of what I did that day. It's usually free from embellishment although today I added an embellishment of a worker at her desk.
Turn the page and you'll get the topic of the day. Work.
This insert was all about work so I took a picture of my mouse and park of my keyboard and reduced the transparency to under 25% so that I could type over the top and be able to read the story.
I really loved doing this 3x8 spread. Every day I loved doing it. Loved picking a topic and using a picture to record my thoughts. I am probably sure I"ll do that again.
Next page is 2 4x6 pictures. I added some journalling to each and some phrase cut-outs.
Flip the page for the next two pages.
On this spread I usually tried to put a picture of lunch or dinner for the day as well as pictures of what I'm doing.
Gotta add a little embellishment. ;)
I also liked adding some black and white images. I like to do this with images that just aren't as good it takes out the bad color. Also, I think adding some black and white images mixed with color helps the page not look so busy ergo keeps a focal point. What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Indifferent?
I added a card with the -ings on it. Just a basic description of the day. Like a twitter comment worth of words.
I sewed on this card...cuz you know it was the quilting card. That was fun but I think my settings were a little screwy so it isn't perfect but I'm not usually going for perfect. I'm going for almost perfect. LOL or I'm just trying to get it done. Depends on the day.
Honestly though...the more time I try to reach perfection the more time I spend which reduces the amount of pages I actually get done. In the end when I'm looking at my albums years from now I'm going to care more about getting the pictures and the journalling than I will about how perfect it looks. I won't care that I selected the perfect embellishments. When it comes down to it I'll be staring at the pictures. So...perfection is overrated.
Phew. glad I got that out.
The next set is my dinner and evening pictures as well as the high and low card that I have for each day.
I like adding those nice recaps in there. I feel like it helps me take stock of the day by choosing a high and a low. Also, I'm keeping the balance. I'm not focusing on all the good or all the bad but a little bit of both.
Balance is always good.
Here's a close up for you. It looks a bit nicer than the two-pager.
This page ended up being all about Bruce, my boyfriend, which is fine because he's a part of my life. I wanted to focus on what makes me happy right now. What little things make me happy.
Gosh I really like this 3x4 pic with digital journalling. Really love it.
Last page of me relaxing. I made those phrase embellishments. I didn't buy any kits but wanted to put some journalling that fit me instead of trying to pick through my embellishments.
I don't always think that way but for this project I wanted to try doing my own thing instead of using everyone else's product and templates.
I hope you enjoyed this layout. Click on Crafts on the nav bar above and then click on Week in the Life for more layouts and pictures.