Over the weekend I finished reading Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris. Awesome book. Well, I pretty much knew it would be as I loved the movie and the books are always better. He's so descriptive. Sometimes he says things or makes references to things I don't understand. Makes me feel stupid but then again, you can't know everything. So I try to google them or ask somebody who I think knows. Basically it makes the book go by slower but at least I understand more.
I'm not sure what to say about the book other than it is extremely titilating. Kept me on the edge of my seat and occassionally made me laugh. Something about reading about serial killers is fascinating to me. They are an abheration of society. Something dreadfully wrong happened to them as children to make them the way they are. I hesitate to believe serial killers are genetic. Just doesn't seem right so I go by the belief that they upbringing contributed to it. It's interesting to read a book where someone had to think about how a serial killer is "made." Interesting to see how they act and react to other humans and how they de-humanize their victims so they can do whatever twisted things they want to them. Anyway, it's fascinating.
So tonight I think I'm going to start Hannibal then when I'm done with that move on to Red Dragon. I have all three movies on DVD. I really can't decide which one I like the best. Hannibal has some beautiful scenery but some disturbing images. Red Dragon makes me feel empathy for the killer because he tries to be better but ends up going off the deep edge and he was made that way by a twisted old bat of a Grandma. Sad. Anywho, I'm wondering if the books will give me some new insight. (p.s. Thanks for letting me borrow them Nance.)