Today is the day, a day of remembrance, a reminder of the day that will live in infamy for this generation. The day that started a war between our nation and Iraq. I never really thought of it that way before but that's what happened. Osama is to the Twin Towers as Japan was to Hawaii. Well, in case Osama missed it, we won that one. Apparently he's not a student of history. :)
When I think of today and what has transpired since that fateful day I am astonished. I think of my life and the lives of others and of this country. I started by first job when that plane hit the towers. I wasn't yet married. I was in shock. I almost had a panic attack because one of my girlfriends worked down there and I couldn't get ahold of her. My brother wasn't in the National Guard and didn't have to have a kevlar vest on or wear a 9mm on his thigh. My little sister and two brothers weren't engaged. We weren't heading for a recession. We had houses that appreciated not went to to the collection agency. Ipods weren't a big deal yet and neither was HDTV. My nephew wasn't born or even thought of, well, he might have been a twinkle in my sister's eye. The 35W bridge hadn't collapsed and freaked me out because I drove over it at least twice a day.
Deep down I wish this never would have happened but nobody can ever remove all of the radicals from the world. It isn't possible so something like this will always happen. There will always be a silent and small majority that wants to ruin people's lives. That's a sorry statement to make but it's true.
Well, that's about all I have to say. I know I will remember the day until I die and I'm sure my grandchildren will ask about it one day, I hope they will anyway. It's funny to think that I've been a part of history. Usually you thinkof history as stuff you read in your books in high school and college, not something that you were a part of. Crazy, isn't it?